About KVAA

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Korea Veterans Association of Australia

Association History

The KVAA Inc. was formed on 7 June 1984 from the Korean Veterans Association (KVA) and the Korea and South East Asia Forces Association (KSEAFA) making it the largest association of Korean War veterans in Australia. Though centred in Victoria, it has a substantial membership in NSW and Queensland and members in WA, SA, Tas and the Territories.

The Aims of the Association


Major General David McLachlan (retired)


John Munroe OAM RFD ED


National President John Munroe OAM RFD ED
h: 03 5480 3778
m: —
e: John Munro Email
Vice President Fred Lehmann
h: —
m: 0406 496 658
e: —
National Secretary Ms Deborah Munro
h: —
m: 0419 334 483
e: Secretary KVAA Email
Treasurer Mrs Merrill Lord
h: 03 9741 3356
m: 0432 836 182
e: Merril Lord Email
Committee 1 Laurie Price
h: 03 5242 1175
m: —
e: lbprice@bigpond.net.au
Committee 2 Arthur Roach
h: 03 5243 6113
m: —
e: —
Committee 3 Allen Riches
h: 03 5244 2240
m: —
e: Allen Riches Email
Committee 4 John Moller, OAM, JP
h: 03 9589 3816
m: —
e: —
Committee 5 Arthur Alsop
h: 03 5443 5115
m: 0422 439 711
e: —
Committee 6 Milton Hoe
h: 03 5243 0172
m: —
e: Milton Hoe Email
Chaplain John Brownbill, RFD, KCSJ
h: 03 9817 4325
m: 0418 359 085
e: —
Veterans' Affairs John Brownbill, RFD, KCSJ
h: 03 9817 4325
m: 0418 359 085
e: —
Editor Geoff Guilfoyle
h: 03 5997 6240
m: —
e: Editor Email
Korean Community & AKYA Mark Ahn
h: —
m: 0413 609 307
e: Mark Ahn Email
ACT Colin Berryman, OAM
h: 02 6258 2463
m: 0408 962 415
e: Colin Berryman Email
Riverina John Munro OAM RFD ED
h: 03 5480 3778
m: —
e: John Munro Email
Geelong Arthur Roach
h: 03 5243 6113
m: —
e: —
NSW Merv Heath
h: 02 4343 1967
m: —
e: —
QLD Harry Pooley
h: 07 3200 0482
m: —
e: Harry Pooley Email
SA John Jarrett
h: 08 8382 1816
m: 0411 420 162
e: John Jarrett Email
TAS George Hutchinson
h: 03 6275 0762
m: —
e: —
WA John Southorn
h: 08 9531 2008
m: —
e: John Southorn Email

Committee / General Members Meeting
Last Wednesday of every month apart from DECEMBER - NO meeting
Time & Venue: 11am at PASCOE VALE RSL
40 Cumberland Raod, Pascoe Vale 3044
Please contact the National Secretary for more information;
Debbie Munro
Mobile: 0419 334 483
email: secretary@kvaa.org.au
