Website by
Robert Huntley

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Scoring Program 4.3.2

A scoring program is available to facilitate the processing of lawn bowls score cards. The program has been optimised for Libre Office, this can be installed and run on several computer systems including Windows, LINUX and Macs.

The scoring program is available for downloading here
Please also download the Help file
and the Test data file

You will now have the three files in your Downloads folder. Copy them to Documents (or wherever you like), in a new folder called BS432 or whatever.

The scoring program has been installed and tested on many Windows and linux computers.

The program is available for use by anyone to process score cards and display the winners. With an appropriate cable, the results can also be shown on a TV screen or video projector system. Potential users can install the program at home to practice using it.

For help with the download and installation process, please contact the author at webmaster email.

You will need the free Libre Office software, which is included in all LINUX distributions. It is available for all systems including Windows and Macs here.

In Libre Office, go to Tools - Options - Security - Macro Security and select Low or Medium to allow macros to run.

The ScoringHelp432.odt file opens in Libre Office Writer (the word processor) and gives step by step instructions on the use of the Scoring Program. You can print this for easy reference while working through the instructions. This file also contains some technical developer notes and a revision history.

The ScoringTests432a.ods file opens in Libre Office Calc (the spreadsheet) and contains test data taken from real social bowls score cards involving 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 teams, all with 2 games. Also included are the score data from an 18 teams, 4 games Turkey Triples match, and both 4 person and 6 person Medley data. You can work through these data to develop your data entry skills and to satisfy yourself that the program generates the correct results. Note that in the case of the 4 teams matches, the rink draw must be entered manually, as the minimum number of teams for the automatic rink draw to work is 6. Some of the other matches use non-standard rink draws as well - these need to be entered manually also.

The 12 teams data set has also been duplicated and adjusted to provide a test case for the 5 category sorting that has been implemented in this version.
The Turkey Triples data includes a "No Show" - a team failed to attend. The program deals with this situation by awarding "byes".

(Optional) Create a desktop shortcut to the Bowls Scoring program as follows (these instructions are for windows, the procedure in linux depends on the flavour of LINUX in use -

Locate the Bowls Scoring files in the folder where you moved them to (BS432) from the downloads folder.

Right click on the file you want to make a shortcut to and select "Send to desktop (create shortcut)".

Right click on the new shortcut and rename it "Bowls Scoring" or as appropriate.

You can also add shortcuts to these files to the Windows 10 start menu (ask for help, M$ has made it quite arcane).

In case of difficulties installing and using these files, please ask the author for help. There may be some unforeseen difficulties.

Robert Huntley
updated 19/10/2016, 7/5/17, 15/7/17, 25/8/18, 7/1/21

